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Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've got sthg to confess.

I've got a bad bad crush on somebody. (sorry baby) =(

Used to think i'll be able to remain damn zhaun yi and stuff. like die die also only love JH. Budden i realli dunno leh dat person's damn sweet and cute. Just the feel ba. ARGH. I feel bad cos baby's really nice lorz. =(

Yea. Here's a little vid of him in school. =/ Some "love" confession thingy he captured on cam =.=" And yea i'm referred to as "Umi" (dun laugh at the name pls)

Howww? What should i do man.*lost* But it should only be a passing crush ba. i hope....


















Baby i'm so so sorry. I've been a bad girl. i promise i'll love you and only you from now on.

Heh!!!!Kidding only huh love. i never bian xin huh. You're irreplaceable (")3(^.^)

Sheet what am i doin man i should be studying. ='( Baby i love you *hugs* bu yao sheng qi huh.

But still the little boy's so cute. Love his teeth =D reminds me of me. Hahaha! And the young innocence of love! W/o boundaries... be it race, religion, etc etc. Damn sweet luh i cant stop smiling esp when the boy gave the jaw-drop face after the girl said he was her boyfriend. =)))

12:44 AM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sometimes i just wished i knew what my future would be like. Just so that i'll know what i should do now, who will be my friends for life, where i should focus my attention and stuff instead of goin round and round and round b4 i reach wherever i'm destined to reach. Dun like living with uncertainties =(( what ifs, maybes, perhaps....

But still, as they always say, its the journey that counts (not the end). Cos.... i dunno.... perhaps life journeys will allow u to learn? to treasure what you are left with at the end? PERHAPS again.... =.="

Haiyo..... emo. I want a little peek at my future. But still.... better not lah....

-" Come what may"

3:31 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yes! i'm more-than-half done with my essay =D (the topic's super difficult i spent 3 hours just to understand the question and come up with a vague structure. STRUCTURE ONLY HOR). Hai.

and it's... 4.23AM. =.=" could've been asleep now if only the Physics tutor didn't play punk and decide to shift our project dateline to tmr. That's like 3 days b4 the actual dateline =( So tmr i'll be embarking on another .... esssay again. Sian-ded (x100) K Lah cant really blame him. We received the message late. And at least i get to strike something off my to-do list. It'll feel good i guess. Then i can seriously give my undivided attention to my exam revision.

My eyes are uber tired, but surprisingly, my mind's more awake now. I think its all the adrenaline and stuff... like "the more busy u are the more energized u become" kinda theory u know. And yes i SEE THE LIGHT! Woohoo. Now that i've got the momentum, i dun feel that helpless alr. Yea everyone's been saying that this sem's a killer. The workload increase is SIGNIFICANT i tell u. =( But its good its good, i'll be fine.

I'm estimating that i'll finish my esssay latest by 5.30? mebe i can like catch jingpok for a little chat b4 he goes to wash up. A really really short one. But i think he'll scold me =( We'll see how it goes lah.

OKies! Back to "illness cognition and implications on emerging diseases" and whatever sheetified-rubbish lies ahead.


7:34 PM

哪里能找到 永远温暖的拥抱

谁在牵挂着 孤单远行疲倦的候鸟

哪里能找到 受伤时候的依靠

有谁能让我 烦恼的事都不再烦恼

爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


有一种味道 能让我想起年少

有一座城堡 包容原谅所有的争吵

爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


这爱无法取代 不求回报的关怀

原来爱一直都在 原来家一直都在 oh yeah

爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


爱不需要理由 懂得珍惜就能够拥有


爱不需要理由 by 李玖哲


"Cos it withstands the test of time, surpasses all boundaries... regardless of all faults, flaws and shortcomings"

All of a sudden i really really really miss Jasmine. So much i can barely describe it. Haven't had a good talk with her since 3 yrs back. Literally.

2:00 PM

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm.... not impressed. Not even a little.

1:00 AM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Flyin off EARLY tmr morning! Bye ppl. Bye dear! Miss me =)

All my junk: lotsa room to shop for stuff. Muahaha

And i'm bringin think little shiny fella along too! =D It's been a long time since i've carried it with me... Love u darling. Take care while i'm away. I'll be back soon to cook porridge for u. =)

3:45 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our mind works in a funny way. Have you ever had the experience of having something at the back of your mind stirred up all of a sudden?... and then you start to think back and reflect on your life and all the things you've done? Yea i just went thru this little emo phase. For no particular reason at all. It just happened like that. -.-" Feeling sort of angsty and raw now. And my heart feels so heavy its like gonna drop anytime soon.

I was just thinking of my achievements so far/ anything i can be proud of. And i felt a little useless. Not because i'm a failure or whatsoever, but because I know that i'm capable of so much more. i've seen that side of me before, a long long time ago. But now, i'm not utilising myself properly. I procrastinate too much, i'm indecisive, sometimes i take things too lightly and i don't voice my opinions much (unless its with ppl i know moderately well), i'm blur to a fault.... and the list goes on.

I know u ppl (am i right jas? LOL.)always say it's great that i'm always happy-go-lucky, always smiling, never worrying blah blah blah.... but sometimes i really wonder if its a good thing. Sometimes you need to fret over stuff in order to take them seriously and to do well. Not always trying to look on the bright side and laugh it off, thinking that it isn't that bad after all. I should strive for perfection in the things that i do (or at least try to).

Emo.... =(

Hmmm. but on second thought, being optimistic and happy isn't that bad. You get to enjoy your life more. *shrugs*

Oh wells i just gotta sleep it off i guess, And knowing me, I think i'll wake up a happy girl again tmr. Dunno if i should be glad about it. Sigh. God, pls motivate me. Thank you.

I promised dear dear to sleep early budden this stupid emo thing suddenly occurred and i couldn't sleep. Just had to let off some steam. Hehe. But now only 11 huh baby. dun kill me. i'm going to zzz for real now =)

3:04 PM


For Memory's Sake =)

It's Me

Tze Wei


Shaun [Squidy]
Jing Hao [Haoyi]
Kel [ah-gua]
Weilin [SACO]
Ah-fred [ventures]
Weiting [ventures]
Belynda [ventures]


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
July 2008
September 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
